As with many things, over the last 20 years dentistry has been transformed by advances in technology. The rapid development of the micro chip and it’s applications has affected many aspects of life and dentistry is no different. We start before you even visit the dentist! At Bridge Dental we use text messages to remind our patients of their appointments. We also utilise emails, Facebook and Twitter to communicate any information or offers available at the practice. There’s also our online booking system at Bridgedental.com.
Dental procedures themselves have been transformed to provide alternatives to the traditional fillings and crowns. Starting with the check up, if x-rays are needed digital technology allows us to reduce radiation to up to 80% compared to traditional ‘wet film’ x-rays. Images are quickly processed while you are still in the surgery and as the resulting pictures are more extensive and clearer with tools to zoom in and measure, amongst others. This allows us to spot problems and deal with them at an earlier stage.
If you need treatment at Bridge Dental, we are one of the few practices to have the ‘Cerec’ technology. This allows us to create porcelain covers (inlays and onlays) and crowns in one visit. Usually, two visits are needed; at first, you would have to be numbed up, have the tooth prepared, have moulds or impressions, and a temporary cover is then fitted. The second you have numbed up again, the temporary cap is removed, and the final one is fitted. With the Cerec procedure, this is all done in one visit. This uses a CadCam system where the tooth is prepared, and then a 3d camera takes images. From these pictures, a final cover or crown can be designed, and a milling machine creates this restoration from a block of porcelain. Advantages over the traditional system include being only numbed once, no temporary covers which can come off, no moulds or impressions, and it is all done in one visit.
Another application of advanced technology we use at Bridge Dental is our DVD glasses. We have a library of films, documentaries and sports DVDs for you to choose from in the reception area. You can then watch this during the procedure, and we find this transforms the experience of more extended dental visits and dramatically helps reduce anxiety.
At the forefront of current dentistry are dental implants. These are titanium screws that are placed into the jawbone where a tooth is missing. They then integrate and fuse to the bone allowing crowns, bridges and dentures to be attached to them. Through research and computer-aided designing, they have improved over the years to the extent that they are now the recommended replacement for missing teeth. We currently use advanced scanning techniques to aid in their
placement of them. This allows us to view the jawbone in 3d, which is far more accurate when implants are inserted. The same imaging is now being utilised to help to make certain types of bridgework that can be made and fitted when the implants are inserted.
There is an ever-growing range of uses of digital technology, and further applications are not far away. At Bridge Dental, we are at the forefront of these, where they have been proven and tested to be an ideal solution for our patients. To schedule a visit, please book online at bridgedental.com, email us at [email protected] or call us on 0207 4072174.